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3588 小时
发表于 2012-5-4 13:54:59 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览






















???????????????????????????????Chris Smith?????????????????????












??Editor's note: CNN spoke with Chinese activist Chen Guangcheng and his wife Yuan Weijing from his Beijing hospital room just before 3 a.m. (3 p.m. ET) on Thursday May 3, hours after he left the U.S. embassy of his own volition to seek medical care. This is an English translation of a phone interview conducted in Mandarin.

??Chen Guangcheng, activist

??Q: Why did you change your mind about staying in China?
??A: I think it's time for me to make such a choice.

??Q: Why?
??A: For safety.

??Q: Fear for your life or your family's?
??A: Both.

??Q: What would happen if you stay in China?
??A: Anything could happen.

??Q: U.S. officials said you looked optimistic when you walked out of the embassy, what happened?
??A: At the time I didn't have a lot of information. I wasn't allowed to call my friends from inside the embassy. I couldn't keep up with news so I didn't know a lot of things that were happening.

??Q: What prompted your change of heart?
??A: The embassy kept lobbying me to leave and promised to have people stay with me in the hospital. But this afternoon as soon as I checked into the hospital room, I noticed they were all gone.

??Q: Has the U.S. disappointed you?
??A: I'm very disappointed at the U.S. government.

??Q: Why?
??A: I don't think (U.S. officials) protected human rights in this case.

??Q: What would you say to U.S. President Obama?
??A: I would like to say to (President Obama): Please do everything you can to get our whole family out.

??Q: Is this your most urgent wish?
??A: That's right.

??Q: What has your wife told you after you escaped?
??A: (My wife) was tied to a chair by police for two days. Then they carried sticks to our home, threatening to beat her to death. Now they have moved into the house -- eating at our table and using our stuff. Our home is teeming with security -- on the roof and in the yard. They have installed seven surveillance cameras inside the house and built electric fences around the yard.

??Q: What did officials tell her if you didn't leave the embassy?
??A: They said they would send her back (to Shandong) and people there would beat her.

??Q: If you stay in China, is there no future?
??A: I tend to think so.

??Q: You learned most information in the hospital after you left the embassy?
??A: Yes, most of it.

??Q: Are your wife and kids with you?
??A: Yes. I just switched my cell phone back on. For a while, I couldn't make or receive calls. Now I can receive calls but still can't dial out. I feel my rights are already being violated.

??Q: Is it true no one from the embassy picked up your calls?
??A: Yes. I called two embassy people numerous times.

??Q: What do you want to say to the U.S. government?
??A: I want them to protect human rights through concrete actions. We are in danger. If you can talk to Hillary (Clinton), I hope she can help my whole family leave China.

??Q: As soon as possible?
??A: Yes, as soon as possible.

??Q: The whole world is watching you -- how do you feel about this?
??A: I feel very grateful. I feel they are sincere in their concern, not just for show.

??Q: Do you feel you were lied to by the embassy?
??A: I feel a little like that.

??Q: What has this ordeal taught you?
??A: I feel everyone focuses too much on their self-interest at the expense of their credibility.

??Q: You're both still up at 3 a.m. -- feeling anxious?
??A: Yes, we feel a lot of anxiety.... I told the embassy I would like to talk to Rep. Smith (Congressman Chris Smith) but they somehow never managed to arrange it. I feel a little puzzled.

??Yuan Weijing, Chen Guangcheng's wife

??Q: What do you want right now?
??A: After seeing the reality, we both want to leave this place with our kids as soon as possible. It's very dangerous for us.

??Q: Has the situation gotten worse since his escape?
??A: Yes, worse.If we stay here or get sent back to Shandong, our lives would be at stake.

??Q: What happened to you after he escaped -- where is his mother?

??A: She's still back home and others have moved in. It used to be plainclothes security hired locally but now it's all policemen. They've threatened to cut our power. They are also digging something outside our yard. It seems that they'll install something there.

??Q: What happened when they took you into custody after his escape?
??A: They wanted to know how exactly he escaped. Guangcheng is blind and we hired so many guards, how did we lose him and what exactly would he do once he was out?

??Q: Is China the kind of country you want to bring your children up?
??A: After Guangcheng got out, the government was persuading me to stay here. But they were also tightening their grip on me. I became really worried. If they ever get us back home, they would put us in an iron cage.

??Q: What would you say to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton?

??A: I know Sino-U.S. relations encompass many issues and they have to consider many things. But the reality about my family is that our lives are in obvious danger. If we stay here or get sent back to Shandong, our lives would be at stake. Under such circumstances, I hope the U.S. government will protect us and help us leave China based on its value of protecting human rights.

??Q: Are you prepared for not being allowed back?
??A: We are prepared because our current situation is very dangerous... They made many promises. But right now, we can't even freely use our phone. I can't even freely walk out of the hospital. Friends can't visit us. It just proves that our human rights are not being protected.

??Q: Are there people watching you at the hospital?
??A: They have security guards here.

??Q: Have the embassy people have left?
??A: Yes. They promised to stay here with Guangcheng -- that would give us some sense of security. But we haven't seen anyone since we checked into this hospital room. I was actually persuading Guangcheng to seek treatment in a hospital -- but I didn't know the embassy (people) were lobbying him to leave (the embassy).

???????????? Chinese activist now wants to leave China, US under pressure to intervene

??The Chinese activist at the center of an international tug-of-war now wants to flee China with his family, a U.S. official confirmed, with the blind dissident telling one reporter he wants to "leave for the U.S. on Hillary Clinton's plane."

??The latest twist in an increasingly complex diplomatic stand-off comes as a prominent human rights advocate on Capitol Hill accuses the Obama administration of trying to sweep away the controversy to make way for diplomatic photo-ops at a round of Beijing meetings. The opening day of those talks, which include Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, was Thursday.

??"Unfortunately, having this summit and trying to get this off the table in time for the happy pictures and the photo-ops with the summit may have driven this in a way that led to a poor outcome," Rep. Chris Smith, R-N.J., told FoxNews.com. "How are they going to guarantee his safety?"

??The situation is developing by the hour, though, and U.S. officials are continuing to reach out to Chen Guangcheng.

??The blind activist first escaped house arrest and fled to the U.S. Embassy in China last week, touching off the diplomatic dispute. He finally left the embassy Wednesday to seek medical care and visit his family at a local hospital -- a decision U.S. officials described as his own. Yet despite initial U.S. claims that the Beijing government offered assurances to Chen and that Chen wanted to stay in China with his family, those claims are being challenged.

??Chen told reporters Wednesday that the Chinese, via U.S. intermediaries, had threatened to send his family back to their home province where they were persecuted if he did not leave the embassy -- he said one U.S. official passed on a message that his wife would be killed, though the U.S. State Department adamantly denies the claim. Chen is now saying he wants to leave China -- he told The Daily Beast he wants to fly out with Clinton.

??A U.S. spokeswoman on Thursday confirmed that Chen wants to leave with his family. State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland told reporters that U.S. officials had spoken twice Thursday with Chen and also with his wife and "they as a family have had a change of heart about whether they want to stay in China."

??Nuland and other officials would not discuss the possibility of Chen being granted U.S. asylum but said earlier that "we will do what we can to help him achieve" what he wants.

??U.S. Ambassador Gary Locke also told reporters that Chen had been "very clear from the very, very beginning that he wanted to stay in China."

??"We asked him, did you want to go to the United States, and he said no; maybe someday to study, but his immediate goal was to stay in China and to help with the cause," Locke said.

??The ambassador said Chen was "never pressured to leave" the embassy and had never asked for asylum in the U.S.

??But Smith said the U.S. should "without a doubt" revisit his case and consider granting him asylum, chiding the administration for its handling of the affair.

??"There is no safe place in China if you're a dissident. It doesn't exist. It's an oxymoron," Smith said. "I think we missed an opportunity to press for asylum."

??Chen reportedly has tried to reach out to Smith, asking that a message be sent to him to "help my family and I leave safely."

??Smith, in an interview with FoxNews.com, said he has not yet gotten in touch with Chen. He said he called the U.S. Embassy in China on Tuesday night to try to reach him and "stood by the phone all night," to no avail. He said he never got a call back but is "responding as if I did."

??Smith has tried to visit Chen in China before, but said the Chinese Embassy in Washington, D.C., had turned him down for a visa.

??Other Republican lawmakers also put added pressure on the Obama administration in the wake of Chen's published comments.

??"Having handed Chen Guangcheng back over to the Chinese government, the Obama administration is responsible for ensuring his safety," House Speaker John Boehner said in a statement. "While our economic relationship with China is important and vital to the future of people in both countries, the United States has an obligation to use its engagement with China to press for reforms in China's human rights practices, particularly with respect to the reprehensible 'one-child' policy."

??Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., said that "if American does not speak up for Mr. Chen, who will?"
??: ??
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