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热度 2 qg0831 2014-1-3 10:04
???????????????14???? 1.?????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 2.??????????????????????????????????????????????????? 3.????????????????????????????????????????????????? 4.????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 5.???????????????????????????????????????????? 6.????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 7.??????????????????????????????????????? 8.????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 9.??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 10.???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 11.?????????????????????????????????????? 12.????????????????????????????????? 13.??????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 14.???????????????????????????????????????????
259 次阅读|1 个评论
分享 ???????????
edesigner 2012-9-19 09:38
19 Successful People Who Barely Sleep ???????????????????? ????????????? Marissa Mayer, Yahoo CEO Mayer gained a reputation for working extremely hard at Google, working as many as 130 hours some weeks, leaving little time for sleep. ????CEO Marissa Mayer???Google???????????130??? The Guardian reports that she needs only four to six hours a night. She recharges by taking weeklong vacations every four months. ?????4?6?????????????????? Jack Dorsey, Twitter founder and Square CEO Being at the head of two exciting tech startups doesn't leave too much time for rest. In 2011, Dorsey told Kara Swisher that he was spending 8-10 hours a day at Square, and 8-10 hours a day at Twitter. Twitter?Square? ??? Jack Dorsey ???8-10???Square, 8-10???Twitter? That left him somewhere around four to six hours a night to sleep , possibly less when travel time is factored in. ??????4-6???????? Donald Trump, chairman of The Trump Organization According to The Daily News, Trump credits his success to sleeping only three to four hours each night to stay a step ahead of his competition. ???? Donald Trump ????3-4??? He does not seem to understand how sleep and success can co-exist according to his quote in The Daily News: "How does somebody that's sleeping 12 and 14 hours a day compete with someone that's sleeping three or four?" ????????12-14?????????3-4??????? Source: 19 Successful People Who Barely Sleep http://www.businessinsider.com/successful-people-who-barely-sleep-2012-9?op=1
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