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已有 46 次阅读2012-2-7 20:18 |

Does smoking help you to relax and minimize your feelings of depression and anxiety? Most smokers would answer Yes, but studies indicate that over the medium and longer term time frames the answer is a definite No. What a misconception! You, like many other smokers, are probably afraid to quit, because you are fearful that doing so will trigger you to experience more unpleasant anxiety and depression. In reality, the substances contained in cigarettes are usually the initial triggers for the occurrence of anxiety. Important: Smoking is the cause of anxiety, not the solution. If you want to quit, it is helpful to keep in mind that some people are trapped nicotine addicts; they are unable to be satisfied with smoking only one or two cigarettes a day. They smoke regularly and frequently as a daily habit. On the other hand, there are also "social smokers" who smoke only occasionally and mainly when socializing with others, often in a bar or party environment. These types often find it easier to quit than do the daily addicts. The "addicts" often find quitting much more difficult because they frequently relapse shortly after they quit smoking. For this reason their "resume" often lists multiple attempts at smoking cessation. Some authorities recommend that the first thing you should do when quitting is to inform your family and social support network of your intentions and the amount of time you think it will take. The socially responsible people in your circle will then be able to give you much needed encouragement and support. However, be careful about the reactions of those in your circle who may be nicotine addicts themselves. After all, they may not want to lose you as a member of their smoking circle and may subconsciously try to sabotage your efforts. However, the non-smokers in your network are more likely to be encouraging and do everything possible in support of your efforts. Also,www.sacprada.net/11-loisirs-sac-prada, it enhances your chances of success if you spend less time with those in your social network who are "addictive" smokers. Make it clear that you are not shutting them out of your life, but rather are simply focusing on succeeding in quitting smoking. It is important to minimize any temptations you might have to smoke. The next crucial step is to write down, record or in some other way, specify why you want to quit smoking. Many people begin with reasons central to health, for example, the increased chances of getting hypertension, emphysema and lung cancer, not to mention the dangers of secondhand smoke for your kids, friends and others. The next step is to specify reasons related to smoking's harmful social and economic impact on you,nike shox norge, such as declining social status, the foul stench of cigarettes emanating from your clothes and the spiraling cost of cigarettes draining cash from your wallet. Remind yourself of these reasons everyday and whenever your determination seems fragile. It is crucial that you have specific coping skills available that are designed to resolve your nicotine cravings before they cause you to relapse. Some experts recommend that drinking lots of water is important to your goal. In addition, you can engage in deep breathing exercises, self-hypnosis, guided imagery and the use of affirmations to quiet your cravings. There are also prescription smoking cessation aids available that have been helpful for some. As stated previously,chaussures prada, create a specific time-line for the achievement of your smoking cessation goal. This creates the dimension of accountability and helps you monitor your progress. Remember: This is a lifelong and life-changing process,www.burberrysac.net, so don't view temporary setbacks as significant. Just get right back in the saddle. Important: When addicted, your body creates symptoms of stress and anxiety as the time draws closer for you to have your next cigarette. Warning: The initial intake of smoke from a cigarette will temporarily reduce your blood pressure, thus providing you with an initial, though false,nike shox canada, feeling of calm and satisfaction. However, in reality, only your addiction to nicotine is satisfied. Between cigarettes your anxiety, depression, stress and nervousness will continue to escalate. In fact, one study suggests that teens smoking more than one pack a week are almost 3 to 4 times more likely to suffer from depression than are there non-smoking peers. Smokers have also been found to be much more likely to be afflicted with unpleasant panic attacks than are others.







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