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a left hand

已有 238 次阅读2012-4-5 21:56

Reporter: You had not been convinced that force it? Others, such as hard shot you, or your own hard itching?

32-year-old Wang is Gongzhuling a unit staff. At 17:00 on May 28 or so, he suddenly felt intolerable itching at the chest, two on the next Naoliao across the clothes.

Wang: how would like to not understand, his family has never had a similar situation. I am not worried, should subside a few days, does not affect anything.

caused by external forces? A friend half-jokingly asked Mr. Wang: Secondly, this is not the first time, the second time ago, I particularly pay attention to the third, even a fight, can not leave the body so flat palm print ah. pressure hand? To identify bottlenecks, Mr. Wang had help his friend Liu doctor. Dr. Liu, Mr. Wang asked: fingerprints can not be formed because of pressure arm ah. Mr. Wang was also curious to ask: patterns are not the same.

Wang: No, second time, I carefully memories, no one touched me, tickle it will not leave their stretched palm print ah.

dialogue man

Reporter: What are fingerprints at the strange feeling it?

Mr. Jin Yong's martial arts, a lot of effort in the hands of people who left India, ranging from beating the injured, while in killed on the spot. In real life, Mr. Wang has not been Gongzhuling force, who has Jingxian bloody fingerprints, it is amazing.

You said it was so close to the heart of fingerprints will not be a disease, ah?

Wang: a little itchy, but if you divert attention, they will not feel itchy, and no other abnormalities.

Wang: It is not the end of April, my right leg above the knee, have seen a similar position palm print,https://member.livedoor.com/, about a week to gradually faded and finally disappeared.

Mr. Wang, who in a particular phenomenon, caused speculation that the four family and friends But after careful analysis, which seems not precise.

Reporter: Do you think this is how it happened, would feel worried?

visible joints and palm

allergy? 29, Mr. Wang to a hospital dermatology Gongzhuling a consultation, the doctors said a career in medicine for many years, never had such a case, Doctors also said that some can cause skin allergy symptoms such as itching and red skin, red skin, but generally do not form a specific shape, red phenomenon in the use of anti-allergy drugs will then have improved. Mr. Wang said he did not had a history of allergies, difficult to determine the specific disease

Gongzhuling chest is now a man bloody fingerprints. Our reporter Wang Qiang photo

four kinds of speculation

fingerprints sawed

is the second time there

Correspondent: This is the first time he found his bloody fingerprints do appear?

reporter noted that fingerprints were raised at the skin-like, slightly higher than the surrounding. Hand touch, fingerprints at the color quickly returned to normal, however, a left hand, then change back to the original fingerprint-like.

which are not exactly

correspondent then went to the Jilin Provincial People's Hospital consultation, the doctor on duty saw a dermatologist reporters in a video camera, shook his head, the disease. urticaria, as to why the formation of the palm print, the best experts to find the specific check. You can solve this bizarre mystery that we do? Please call 0431-96618 to contact us.

, he still felt uncomfortable, they opened a clothing mirror closer observation. Do not see it does not matter, after seeing the startled Mr. Wang. After a lapse of two days, Mr. Wang's bloody fingerprints at the chest is still clear, not only can look at each finger joints, and even see the palm prints.

the reporter Lv Jinhui








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