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compared to younger I considered it

已有 117 次阅读2012-4-2 23:23

Young is older ? the young is a state of mind ? is also believed the young man's words ? Young is also doing many, many stupid things ?
27 -year-old should have been for many people, not young , but fortunately I knew friends who are relatively older , compared to younger I considered it , although not keep 18 -year-old mind, but I can accept 18 -year-old age way of thinking, it should also be regarded as a relatively young state of mind it , I indeed still believe in the words of men , especially men of promise , at least I believe they say it was a sincere moment , even later because of all the variables can not be achieved , this should also be considered the performance of the young , if someone asked: useful work to do! ) I will say : ~ ~ is not an example of , so you laugh at me being bored !
sum up I was a young man should be it, but really I was told today , love to make people young, the young must be maintained to keep the love , I admit I was very like love , but having no rivals ! O God ,http://888cly.blog.mercubuana.ac.id/! Please help me! I would like to continue to the young !????????







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