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99 -year-old man seventy -law brought together to discuss debt

已有 178 次阅读2011-12-2 10:59 |

(Reporter intern provided for the Chi Meng Ying Wu Xiaoqing ) the purchase price of $ 19 million to 13 times to discuss unsuccessful , yesterday morning runescape gold, 76 -year-old Hu dad rented an ambulance from Huanggang , the 99 -year-old Wuhan mother brought together debt collection .

yesterday morning, in Wuchang Jia Ye Hotel 5th Floor wow gold, Block B, far from the city of Wuhan Office of Technology Development Corporation ( referred to as far from the city ) , the reporter saw over 7 Hu late dad 's wife and their 99 -year-old mother .

dad said Hu , Xiao-hu in Huanggang his son opened a biological products company . From 2006 to date, far from the city owed ??mustaches more than 190,000 yuan . Remote Cheng , deputy general manager believes that the company has been in strict accordance with the contract execution , only less than 90,000 yuan each . The two sides at loggerheads over this .

Hu dad told reporters in January to July this year , their family members from Huanggang to discuss the Han total of 13 times, each time not see who is beaten . In desperation, he had such an unwise move . At 5 pm yesterday , the couple spent 600 yuan Hu dad pack a 99 -year-old mother to the ambulance to Wuhan . Until 8 pm, when they are taking advantage of the changing of the guard of security back to the 5th floor mother .







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