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已有 1022 次阅读2015-3-8 00:34 |个人分类:????| ????, ???, ????, ????








?? ???? 1936?2?

        Snowscape ?

        To the tune of Spring Garden Show

        1936. 2.


?? ???????????????

?? Its the winter scenery of Northern China,

?? Snowflakes flying all about the frozen world. ?


?? ?????????????????????

?? Overseeing: both sides of the Great Wall

?? Turns into a vast expanse of whiteness,

?? And the Yellow Rivers torrent

?? Is suddenly lost in sight.


?? ??????????????????

?? Like silver serpents dancing in the mountains,

?? Like waxy elephants galloping on the highland,

?? It tries to vie with the Lord of Heaven. ?


?? ???????????????

?? Waiting till the day to be fine,

?? Clad in white with red sunshine,

?? It grows much more enchanting.


?? ?????????????????

?? How rich in beauty this land is!

?? Causing countless heroes to compete with each other.


?? ?????????????????????

?? But alas! The First Emperor of Qin

?? And the Martial Emperor of Han

?? Both were lacking in literary grace,

?? Emperor Taizong of Tang and

?? Emperor Taizu of Song?

?? Both had little poetry in their souls?


?? ??????????????????

?? That proud son of Heaven, Genghis Khan

?? Knew only shooting eagles by his bow and arrows.?


?? ???????????????

?? All are past! For outstanding personages

?? Must consider the ones in this age.





?? North country scene:

?? A hundred leagues locked in ice,

?? A thousand leagues of whirling snow.

        ?????North China ??????????????? Northern China(????)??????????????????????????the frozen world(????)??(??)????????(Snowflakes flying all about the frozen world)???????????????????????????????????????????????????


?? The mountains dance silver snakes

?? And the highland charge like wax-hued elephants.

         Vying with heaven in stature.


         Mountains like silver serpents dancing, 
?? Highlands like waxy elephants advancing, 
?? All try to match the sky in height. 

        ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????(in stature or in height)????

        ???????????????????????(the land)???????????????????????????????????? vie to pay her their duty ? bow in homage?


        ??????????(?)????????????????????? by bending his bows ? bow outstretched ???????????








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