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热度 1已有 477 次阅读2013-10-30 15:35 |个人分类:????



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                  --- Jenny WANG, QSM??? 


 ??????????????????????????????Danyon Loader?????????????, ????????????





1996?7??????????????????????200??????????????Danyon?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????20??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Danyon Loader! ???????????????????????????











?????????????????????????????45 Sikkim Cres?Manukau?????????????????????----??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????1998?9?9??








Sometimes, a stranger, someone you have never even met, may change your life forever.  Mr. Danyon Joseph Loader, ONZM, was the person who changed my life significantly at the turning point in my life journey from a being a Chinese immigrant to becoming a Chinese New Zealander.


In China I had gained two qualifications, namely, a BSc and Masters in Education.  I was a high school teacher, university lecturer and government officer there. For me, with a good education and a decent job, a nice home and family, I had achieved all I could and there were no longer any challenges in my life I needed to experience something new.  As well, my son was growing up and I kept thinking that somehow his life should be bigger and brighter than my own.  So my husband and I made a life changing decision and immigrated to New Zealand with our 11 year old son in November 1994. 


The first two years of my life in New Zealand were an emotionally turbulent time because of language and cultural barriers and finding a job was impossible.  My husband and I then undertook to run a small takeaway shop. I was feeling helpless and struggling with hopelessness.  At times, I totally lost any sense of belonging.  I asked myself the same questions again and again in the long dark nights: Who am I and why I am here?  Where did I come from and where am I going?  I did not know whether I should stay in New Zealand or go back to China and I felt there was nowhere to go


One small incident changed all that.  One day in July 1996, while watching TV, I saw Danyon standing on the platform at the Atlanta Olympic Games, receiving a gold medal to the tune of the New Zealand national anthem. I was excited and so proud of him.  It was the first time in my life that I cried while the New Zealand flag was raised, despite not knowing the words to the anthem at all.  Suddenly I realized that this is my home now and I belonged here. When I was in China, New Zealand was only the name of a small country that I knew otherwise nothing about. But at that moment I knew my heart has already settled, and from this point on, my new life as a Chinese New Zealander began.


In 1997, when I was studying English in the beginners class at MIT, I became aware of a host of social problems that had arisen for the new migrant community, particular Asian migrants just like myself. I felt that there was no appropriate assistance given to them during their initial settlement crisis period.  This lack of support had made life for new settlers like me more difficult and prevented them from integrating and contributing to New Zealand society. 


I decided to set up an organisation to help Chinese-speaking migrants to settle well in New Zealand.   A group of people who were all Chinese new settlers from China, Taiwan and other Asian countries got together in my home garage and a charitable trust called Chinese New Settlers Services Trust(CNSST) was born, the date being 9 September 1998.


This organisation operated for three years out of my garage, initially without any external funding. Now it has grown into a medium sized NGO with 38 paid staff and 110 contractors as well as over 50 long term volunteers to serve more than 15,000 local Asian migrants per annum. CNSST was approved by CYFNZ as a community service provider in 2002 and was approved by NZICA as an ATO in 2010.  CNSST has also gained four mayoral awards for Excellent Community Group. Having founded the organisation, I have been lucky enough to work for it as Executive Director for over a decade.   CNSST was also recently approved by NZQA as a PTE.  This is yet another milestone on our way to the goal of becoming a successful social enterprise which will eventually be capable of delivering social, educational and housing services all run in a financially sustainable way and with the purpose of assisting all Asian migrants to more fully participate in and contribute to New Zealand society in social, economic and cultural aspects.  I would like to thank all the people who have helped CNSST to make the dream come true.



After nearly 20 years of living in New Zealand, I am proud to be a Kiwi and a Chinese New Zealander. I feel privileged to be able to bring up my son in a multi-cultural environment as an international citizen, enabling him to further contribute to our global society. I am forever grateful for both my motherland, China, and my second home, New Zealand, for the experiences that have made me who I am today.  In 2008 I had the honour of receiving the Queens Service Medal (QSM) in recognition of work I have done with the local migrant community in New Zealand. This is an honour that I must share with all of my family, friends, colleagues and others working for the various communities. We are all trying our very best to make this wonderful country even better.


Passion, vision and action always bring you success --I believed that everyone could make positive social changes and empower others to do the same. The snake is a smart and sage animal in the Chinese zodiac I will have a special place for it as my second grandson will be a little snake (born in the year of the Snake). I wish everyone a fantastic year, and as a wise snake would say There were no roads in the world before we made them by walking.








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