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热度 1已有 201 次阅读2012-3-29 06:52 |个人分类:??|






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(?) ??????


1990????????????????????? (University of Auckland) ??????

?????????????????????????????????????????????????????? (?1) ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????






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???????????1998????????????????????????????????????????????? - ?????????????? (????????????)??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Ngati-Whatua ? Orakei ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????<????>?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Alexander-Turnbull-Library?????? The-Parliamentary-Library??????????????????????????????????

?????????????????????????????????? ?



????20??????16??????20??????10??????????????????1994?3?19-20??????20?????????????(Orakei Marae)?????????????????????????????????????????



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????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? (2)



(?) ??????????


?????????????????????????????????? ?




1) ??????? (a e i o u ) ??????????


2) ???Hui?????????????????????????




3) ???????????? (Maui) ???????????????? ??????????????????????


4)  ????????????????????????????????????????????????? (Rona) ???????????????????????????????? ????????????????




5) ???????????????????? - ??????


6) ???? (Marea) ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???? ???????????????


7) ??????????????????????????????


8) ?????????????????????????????????????????


9) ????????????? Puhi(??????)  ?????????????????????????????????


10) ?????? (Utu) ?????????? (Tohunga / Ahurewa) ????????????????????????


11) ????????????????????????????????? (Taua-Wahine) ?????????????????????????????          


12) ??????????????????????????????????????????????????


13) ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


14) ??????????????????????????????????


15) ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????


16) ?????????(Mana)??? (Utu) ???????? (Tapu)???? (Mauri) ??? (Makutu) ??????????????????


17) ???????? (Tangihunga)?????????????????????????????????????????? ?


18) ?????????????????????????????? (Hakari) ????????????????


19) ??????????????????????????


20) ??????????????? (Koha) ????????????



(?)  ???????????







2008????????????????????????????????- Being Maori Chinese: Mixed Identities???????????????117??? (??52?????33????32??????)??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????



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    ????????????????????????????????????????? [??????????????]?????2009??????????????????2010?7?????[???????]?????8?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


1998?8?11?????????????????????????????? (DNA)???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


1999?8???????????????????????????????????Christine Fletcher????????????????????????????????????????????10???????????????????-?????????12???????????????????????????????????????????

2005????????????? (Helen Clark) ??????????????????????????????????2006??????????????????????QSM????

????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????                                               (??)

? 1? ?????????(Kiwi)


(1) ?????????????????????


(2) ?????[???????]???????????- ????????????????

????????????????????? ?2002?11????????

(3) ????????????????- ??????????




???????????[???]??  ?[???????????]???[??????????]???????????????????


??????????????? (1997-99)???????????? (1996-97)













[?????????] ?????????????????????????????????????????????


????????????( Dr Chambers) ?????????????????????????????????????????????????











The Similarities Between Maori and

Chinese Culture

By Song LAM (??)



The Chinese of the world are now able to take a deep look at the Maori culture of New Zealand, since I had done a research on the Maori culture and written a book entitled The Maori of New Zealand.


In 1994, when I was studying at the University of Auckland, I took a Maori paper entitled Introduction to Maori Society and had spent more than two years researching Maori legends, customs and history.

I have had the privilege of meeting many Maori people and staying on different Marae. This has enriched my knowledge and understanding of Maori traditions, values as well as customs.


Based on my research and experiences I had written a book in Chinese entitled The Maori of New Zealand, published in Jan 1998 by the Publish House of World Chinese Writers in Taiwan. The ISBN is 957-98538-2-7.


There are 150,000 Chinese characters in this book, 400 pages of script in total, and 10 pages of illustrations photos and maps. The following are the four parts to the book:

20 stories on Maori Legends       

16 stories on Maori Traditions    

20 stories on Maori History               

10  stories on Maori Folktales     


The two appendixes list interesting Maori place names and a record of 20 Chinese communities, which visited the Orakei Marae on the 19-20th March in 1994.  


Through my study, I had found there are similarities between Maori and Chinese cultures and language:




The pronunciation of 5 Maori vowels (a e i o u) is exactly as in Chinese Mandarin (Hanyu Pinyin).


The Maori word hui which means meeting or gathering, has the same meaning and same pronunciation as Hanyu Pinyin hui.




1) The Maori cultural hero Maui, described as a demi-god in the legends, just likes the Chinese Monkey King, Sun Wu Kong. Both Maui and Sun Wu Kong could turn themselves into any shape or figure at any time.


2) In Chinese legend, there was a woman called Chang E who stole the elixir and flew to the moon and stayed alone there. In Maori legend, there was also a woman called Nona who was punished by living alone on the moon.




1)       Maori value the land as do the Chinese and pay homage to landtraditionally and now.

2)       Because Maori deem the Marae as their ancestors body, shoes should be removed. This is so too for Chinese homes, where taking off ones shoes before entering a house is always done, as a mark of respect and cleanliness. Also, Maori Marae just likes the Chinese Ci Tang where people from the Hupu or tribe used to worship their ancestors.

3)       Before the coming of the European, Maori chiefs practiced polygamy, as did the Chinese in former times. 

4)       According to the Chinese tradition, female and male with the same surname are not allowed to get married; this was similar to that of Maori, where people from the same tribe were not encouraged to marry.

5)       Traditionally in Maori practice, the marriage of a puhi, a virgin daughter of the chief, was arranged by her father chief or kaumatua. This is similar to that of Chinese noble girls in former times.

6)       Utu-revenge used to be done by the Maori tohunga ahurewa (high priest), as did the Chinese, revenge used to be done by the master of martial art.

7)       For those Maori people who committed adultery or some other sexual offence, utu was used by the taua wahine (an avenging party). This is similar to that of Chinese adulterers who were punished by drowning.

8)       The Maori used and still use herbal medicines, as did and do the Chinese, alongside the use of western medicines.

9)       The Maori respect their elderly (kaumatua), their elders or other relationships, such as older brothers and sisters. They have the responsibility to look after their younger siblings. So it is too with the Chinese. Both Maori and Chinese value and function in an extended family circle.

10)    The head is the most important part of the body, according to Maori. So it is too for Chinese.

11)    Traditionally, Maori used to keep the deadhead of their enemy as a kind of utu. As did the Chinese in ancient time.

12)    Rank or heritage right of Maori was theoretically based on the principle of Primogeniture. The first born in the senior male line had the highest rank. So has the oldest Chinese son or grandson, they would receive their fathers and grandfathers inheritance.

13)    Social control in Maori society was functioned by an interlocking system of rank, Mana (prestige or power), utu, (revenge or payment) and spiritual belief to tapu (sacred force), mauri (life force) and makutu (sorcery). So it was similar to Chinese olden society.

14)    During the tangihunga (funerals), Maori chiefs used to offer their relatives and friends a hakari (feasting). So it was too for the well off Chinese.

15)    A formal wedding ceremony was not common practice on Maori or Chinese in former times. They just invited their relatives and close friends to attend a banquet or feast.

16)    Maori tend to present a koha (gift) when they visit the each other, as do the Chinese.                                                         




Other relevant article? New Zealand Maori originated from China-A new discovery from Gene Analysis, Mingpao Newspaper, August 11, 1998


New Zealand Herald     Tuesday, August 11, 1998   [  NATION   A4]


DNA research shows Maori  ancestors came via Taiwan


WELLINGTON The ancestors of Maori and the other Polynesian peoples were made in Taiwan, according to research using new techniques for analyzing human DNA.


The people who eventually became the Maori originated in mainland Asia and starting from Taiwan, island hopped south, a Victoria University scientist, Dr. Geoffrey Chambers, said in a report published yesterday by the university.


He said they worked their way through the Philippines and Indonesia to West Polynesia and, ultimately, on to the islands of East Polynesia and then New Zealand


The institutes molecular biology laboratory used human genetic studies from other populations around the world.


Dr. Chambers said that forensic DNA profiles done at Victoria had also found that Polynesians in general, and Maori in particular, showed less genetic diversity than many other ethnic groups.


The overall probability of finding two individuals with a specific DNA profile was found to be one in 112 million for Asians, one in 47million for Caucasians, one in 6.7million for Polynesians generally and one in

2.8 million for Maori.


Dr. Chambers said the direct ancestors of Maori came from island group northeast of the country.




The Maori of New Zealand is well received by the Chinese community locally and overseas, it is also being acknowledged to be the most comprehensive and first Chinese publication about Maori culture.

  The Maori of New Zealand has brought me the following awards:

1) First Place of  Professional Chinese Achievement Award

It was conferred by the Asian Institute of University of Auckland in association with the

Auckland Chinese Community Centre        (August 1999)

2)  Outstanding Chinese Writing in Overseas Social Study.                

      The Federation of Overseas Chinese Association in Taiwan conferred it           

       (October 1999)


About Song Lam


Song has teaching qualifications from Hong Kong and NZ and has more than thirty years teaching experience. She also holds a B.Ed and teaching Diploma from the University of Auckland, also 2 certificates of Te Reo (Maori language)   

Song immigrated to NZ with her husband and two sons in 1990. She has beenntly working as a Bilingual School Facilitator for the Auckland schools.


Song has been involved the following community works:

English  Secretary of World Chinese Writers Association of Exchange Inc.

Founder of Free Language Corners (1996 - ongoing)

Vice Chairperson of Oceania Chinese Writers Association (97- 99)

Chairperson of Chinese Writers Association of NZ (97- 98)

Vice-Chairperson of Chinese Writers Association of NZ (96- 97)

Song Lam has been promoting the Maori culture for 15 years.

She had been invited to be a guest speaker in both NZ and many overseas educational institutions.

The topic is The Similarities between Maori and Chinese Cultures

Books written by Song Lam:

Early Childhood Education is Fun (Chinese / English) 1994

The Maori of New Zealand (Chinese) 1998

What Do Children learn in NZ Schools (Chinese / English) 1999

The Story of Language Corners (Chinese / English) 2000

My New Life in New Zealand (Chinese) 2001

NZ Children Daily Life (Chinese / English) 2001

Famous New Zealanders (Chinese / English) 2006

Selected short stories & prose of Song Lam 2008

Bilingual Childrens Poems (Eng & Chi) 2008

Han Pai poems of Song Lam 2008

Being Maori Chinese (Translation English to Chinese) 2010








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