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tonyppll的个人空间 http://www.my.ausnz.net/bbs/?11712 [收藏] [复制] [分享] [RSS]


????: ??????! ????! ????!
2012-1-21 23:38 回复|
I Wish you Happy New year!
2011-12-31 20:54 回复|
??????: ??????! ??????!
2011-12-20 11:44 回复|
"There are three tools to govern a nation: Morality( including religion and education),Law and Public Authority. Morality is the foundation, Law as a backbone and Public Authority as a support.&q
2011-12-8 01:28 回复|
2011-11-21 21:13 回复|
??????.??????.??: ????".???????: ??????.??????.???????.??:????????????
2011-11-13 22:20 回复|
2011-11-9 20:22 回复|
We need to happiness lies in contentment .
2011-10-23 18:51 回复|
???????,???????. Grief is not a normal life ,but life can not live without love.
2011-10-19 00:57 回复|
2011-10-18 18:27 回复|
?????:" ????????, ????????, ????????, ????????. ????????, ????????".
2011-10-8 00:36 回复|
?????????? ?? ???, ??????------?????????; ???????. ???????????????????????????`????????????????????
2011-10-6 16:43 回复|
??? ?????????. ?????????
2011-9-28 01:16 回复|
`?? ?????????
2011-9-8 22:46 回复|
?????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????
2011-9-8 22:43 回复|
????.????! (????edesigner?"?????????????"?)
2011-9-2 14:09 回复|
2011-8-31 19:25 回复|
2011-8-9 15:50 回复|
2011-8-4 15:16 回复|
2011-8-3 23:22 回复|


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