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Chinese against the Government of Japan occupied China's Diaoyu Islands

热度 1已有 726 次阅读2012-10-3 14:39 | Chinese, against, China

                                               Chinese against the Government of Japan

                                             occupied China's Diaoyu Islands      (????)                                                                       By Tony Hung

Recently as there has been a territorial dispute between China and Japan, the political relationship has been strained. We do not want these countries in the Asia Pacific to have conflict and/or possible war. If there is a war, this will not only affect the people of China and Japan, but will also impact on Australia's and New Zealands trade and peace.


China's and Japan's recent land dispute, was brought about by the Japanese Government on September 11 this year, who reclaimed China's Diaoyu islands, as "Japanese state-owned, Therefore, the Chinese people around the world are opposed.


Based on historical data, from 1403, China discovered and managed the island. In 1895, the Japanese government illegally occupied the Diaoyu Islands. At present, the Japanese government has not complied with the Second World War Allies,1943 Cairo Declaration and the 1945 Potsdam announcement provisions to return the islands to China.


If the Japanese government does not stop its illegal occupation of this island, the solemn voice of protest by the Chinese community around the world will never stop, as we will uphold the principles of peace and will fight until the end, until Diaoyu islands is returne to China.




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回复 edesigner 2012-10-4 09:19
回复 tonyppll 2012-10-4 09:56

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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