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Fitch Paris Blog Chenzhou, Hunan Province , an off

已有 60 次阅读2012-3-15 03:18 |

Chenzhou City, Town and Country Planning Committee, deputy Renzhou Jiang

- 12 ? 12 am, a

Posted by Posts in question, Zhou Jiang as Changsha in real estate, planning and other government positions during his wife in its fields of competence in business,Abercrombie Paris, there are many tricky and irregularities.

the net posts are exposed are true? Challenge facing the huge network of family property, Zhou Jiang's response?

? correspondent Li Guoping Zhou Hongquan

the world's best network of posts

Chenzhou an official home of nine sets of Changsha room

Posted by Kind is Poster said, Zhou Jiang had from the beginning of 2000 in Changsha Real Estate Board, the Planning Board office and other places, Chenzhou City is currently deputy director of Urban and Rural Planning Commission. Zhou Jiang served as Planning Board and the Real Estate Bureau, the business his wife Xuemou onto the stage.

posted in the net posts, said Zhou Jiang's wife Xuemou in 2001 and 2004, founded the years the growth of exponentially: To September 3, 2004, his wife Xuemou has registered the

public ownership of the net posts for the week of his wife Xuemou River in Changsha City real estate a total of nine, with a total area of ??1199 square meters. Post Finally, the According to the online publication of

parties to respond

Reporters interview to respond.

According to Zhou Jiang Jieshao, 1992, his wife Xuemou and Changsha Planning and Design Institute colleagues into business, his public examination by the end of 1994 into the Changsha City Planning Bureau, about 1998, transferred to Changsha City Real Estate Board, 2000 seconded by Changsha, Chenzhou Municipal Urban and Rural Planning Commission deputy director of any post.

Zhou Jiang said that his wife only million have no assets.

When a reporter expressed the hope that contact his wife, Zhou Jiang,

contradiction, is entirely an economic dispute, it does not matter to me completely, I was deliberately made to pull into the post. behavior by Commission for Discipline Inspection, prosecutors and other agencies investigated. He has to reflect the relevant departments in Chenzhou, and to the public security department to the police.

for Zhou Jiang's statement,Fitch Paris Blog, at 19:00 on the 14th, the reporter contacted the company offer all kinds of show Jane Lin Xi. Lin said that the net posts not her hair, but the content of the Internet made absolutely true, she

and 14 pm, a self-proclaimed friend of Zhou Jiang calls his wife Xuemou, said Xue ability to make money on their own, without any contact with her husband. Xue business is a public fact, if there are problems, the relevant departments already checked.

Zhou Jiang and his wife Xuemou property list

1, Yuhua District, sand pond, 23.96m2, owner: Xuemou, Certification time: 2001.6.19

2, Yuelu District Hsein-Jar Rd 690 Lake View Court, 142.76m2, owner: Zhou Jiang

3, Azusa Road, Yuhua District, No. 428, 161.61m2, the owner: Xuemou,Reebok Zigtech Shoes, certification time: 2000.10.20

4, Yuhua District, a district Chigang, 113.72m2, owner: Xuemou, Certification time: 2005.6.27

5, S Cao Yuhua District No. 71, Lane Green T. House, 130m2, owner: Xuemou, certification time, 2008.6.3

6, Kaifu District No. 87 Wu Jialing Road, Grand Hyatt Hong Di, 157.98 m2, owner: Xuemou, Certification time: 2009.9.14

7, Kaifu District No. 87 Wu Jialing Road, Grand Hyatt Hong Di, 127.76m2, owner: Xuemou, Certification time: 2009.9 .14 ??

8, Kaifu District No. 87 Wu Jialing Road, Grand Hyatt Hong Di, 134.8m2, owner: Xuemou, Certification time: 2009.9.14

9, Tianxin Rich King's Road West, the sun times district, 206.43m2, owner: Xuemou, Certification time: 2009.11.25

(According to the >

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